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Estados De Mexico Donde Es Legal El Aborto 2020

Posted 15. Oktober 2022 by Logistik-Express in Allgemein

The work of the collectives was fundamental to the implementation of the accompaniment, as some users denounced revictimization, abuse or obstruction by the staff of certain public health units. They also ask the judicial authorities to clarify the 22 investigation files (11 in 2022) that have been opened for the crime of abortion since decriminalization. In the 2018 federal elections, current Governor Cuitláhuac García Jiménez maintained an ambivalent stance on abortion. Mexico City, Oaxaca, Hidalgo, Veracruz, Baja California, Colima and Sinaloa are the states in Mexico where women can have an abortion simply because they want to. If the abortion is caused accidentally or, as the law says, in a “reckless” manner, no punishment should be imposed. This is found in article 136, sentence V, of the State Criminal Code. ©Mexico is becoming a safe alternative for American women seeking abortions. The United States has already begun banning abortion. It is therefore expected that border states will begin to receive so-called “abortion tourism.” If a woman`s health (physical, mental or social) is threatened or impaired by pregnancy, the states of Baja California Sur, Campeche, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Mexico City, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala and Zacatecas also allow legal abortion (ILE). For the Catholic Church at the time, abortion was not considered heresy or murder because the fetus lacked reason until birth. But it was (and is) a mortal sin, as long as it is done and does not occur naturally or spontaneously. The corresponding punishment was (and still is) only excommunication, although some authors mention that there are cases in which midwives (especially natives, mulattoes and mestizos) have been accused by the Tribunal of the Holy Office and thus tortured and tortured.

[138] [139] For people at the time, excommunication was a very severe punishment because it not only affected their liturgical life, but also isolated them socially and suspended their civil rights: they could not deal with other people, which prevented them from doing business, and they could not be buried in cemeteries. Although the religious opposition was based on the 5th commandment (“Thou shalt not kill”), in reality it was obliged to have offspring, even within the “legitimate association,” in order to educate them in the faith according to the doctrine of the sacrament of marriage. This is why little attention has been paid to the failed practices of singles. Unlike secular justice, ecclesiastical persecution may have been greater because of the need to confess sins. However, the rest of the states are not completely closed to the practice of abortions. Well, in some it is possible to execute them under certain circumstances, as is the case with Chiapas, Chihuahua, Colima, Durango, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Nayarit, Puebla, Querã Taro, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosã©, Sonora, Tamaulipas and Yucatán. If the abortion is involuntary, accidental, or as a result of an act you performed without intent to induce an abortion. If the abortion is caused accidentally or, as the law says, in a “reckless” manner, no punishment should be imposed. This is reflected in article 196 of the State Criminal Code.

The decision was taken after a lawsuit was filed against the Coahuila Penal Code, filed by the government of former President Enrique Peña Nieto, which punishes a woman who “voluntarily performs her abortion, or the person who aborted her with her consent, with a prison sentence of one to three years.” The second state to decriminalize abortion was Oaxaca, where 31% of the population is indigenous and 64% live in poverty. The vote in favor of decriminalizing abortion came after the Veracruz Congress voted 25 votes in favor, three against and one abstention. It is therefore the fourth body to approve this reform. The plenary approved the opinion with a draft decree reforming five articles. These are: 149, 150, 151, 153 and 154. In addition, article 152 of the Criminal Code of the State of Veracruz is repealed. According to the Federal Criminal Code, criminal offences can be described as intentional or guilty. [24] Meanwhile, the other 32 local codes also classify intentional abortion as consensual or voluntary, forced or forced, self-induced or specific. The decriminalization of SCJN and that which must be carried out by any entity that has not yet harmonized its local legislation concerns only consensual abortion, whether self-induced or specific.

Forced abortion remains and remains a crime that deserves harsher penalties, especially when it comes to physical or emotional violence. The first warnings were issued during the presidential campaign. First, he trivialized all the revictimizations and human rights violations that took place in the Paulina case, because he claimed that “this girl is in love with her son in just one hour”. Although his proposals include aspects of sexual and reproductive rights, he has always avoided mentioning the power of victims to terminate pregnancies in cases of rape (to avoid exactly what happened in Baja California a year earlier). Similarly, in some media outlets, he supported abortion if it was proven that the mother`s life was in danger or that fetal brain death was detected; In others, he said he believed in life from the moment of fertilization. In addition, a letter to the Mexican Bishops` Conference (CEM) was leaked about the latter, promising to promote respect for the “right to life from the moment of conception until natural death.” He also highlighted the stigmatization of motherhood and reproduction as a compulsory function of women, albeit in a veiled way, because in his opinion the whole of society is responsible for supporting and protecting this “biological achievement”, obviously by the traditional family, since this institution “has as its natural goal the responsible survival of the human species”. He even suggested, among many others, elevating the “natural rights” of the family to constitutional status, that the media promote “family values” and promote and promote cultural change and attitudes so that men and women can fulfill their “obligations” inside and outside the family. [169] It was a time of violent political and social upheaval and contradictions. Until the Juarist restoration, any attempt to permanently impose a single legal entity was virtually impossible due to the various civil wars in the country between liberals and conservatives. All factions shared Napoleon`s desire to codify and leave behind the “disorder and anarchy” of the scattered laws inherited from New Spain, but no one agreed on the configuration of the new state (republican or monarchical, federal or unitary, secular or confessional). The provisions of the Ancien Régime coexist with new regulations inspired by the bourgeois revolutionary spirit.

By case law, the Mexican authorities therefore had to interpret all of this complex acquis at the time of judicial mediation. In this way, adaptations emerge that have not always dealt with the subject of abortion, such as the Novísimo Sala Mexicano, the Nuevo Febrero Mexicano or the Pandectas Hispano-Mexicanas. The latter are characterized by the fact that they continue to impose the death penalty or banishment, although it is not known whether such sentences have ever actually been carried out. Reporting rape is not a prerequisite for an abortion. Only if you are under 12 years of age, the application must come from your mother, father or guardian. The decriminalization of abortion in Mexico is one of the most controversial issues in today`s society. On the one hand, there are those who believe that abortion is a public health problem and, as such, must be safe, free and free. According to Mexico City reports, legal abortion is performed in clinics and hospitals in Mexico City`s©© health system. All ILE services are free and can also©be used by minors without any problems. Currently, abortion is legal in the following states of the Mexican Republic: Mexico City©, Oaxaca, Hidalgo, Veracruz, Baja California, Colima, Sinaloa, Guerrero and Baja California Sur.

While in Aguascalientes, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chiapas, Coahuila, Colima, Durango, Jalisco, State of Mexico, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Puebla, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Yucatán and Zacatecas, abortion is allowed if the woman`s life is in danger.

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