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Ebook for Law Students

Posted 14. Oktober 2022 by Logistik-Express in Allgemein

The law of obligations concerns the legal rights and obligations owed between persons. Three main categories form the Common Law of Obligations: tort, contractual enrichment and unjust enrichment. This digest provides an introduction to tort law: the law that recognizes and responds to civil misconduct. The material is arranged in two parts. The first part includes §§1 to 11 and deals with intentional and dignified offences as well as the theories and general objectives of tort law. Part II covers §§12-25 and deals with no-fault compensation schemes, negligence, harassment, strict liability and the place of tort law in our broader legal systems. Buy books and resources for law students and professors, including black`s Law Dictionary and ProView Law eBooks. Cambridge Core is the academic content platform of Cambridge University Press. It replaces the online platform Cambridge Books. This ever-growing collection of e-books, published by Cambridge University Press, includes an extensive collection of legal books as well as a host of other fields. Finally, with respect to access to printed textbooks, the Law Library provides access to physical copies of certain required 1L course books, as well as certain higher-level course books that can only be used in the library.

A copy is placed on the 5th floor of the legal library and can be read in the library without having to be checked. The other copy is located behind the service counter on the 2nd floor and is available for a 2-hour loan. These can only be used within the library. We also have scanners in the 2nd and 5th. Floor, if you want to scan your readings in advance. We wanted this casebook to be as easy to use and understand as possible. As a result, we have included not only cases, but also the text of the rules and reformulations as well as concise explanations of the relevant law. Each chapter of the book deals with a different topic in the following format. First, it clarifies in a clear and concise manner the law applicable to this issue. Then provide the relevant text of all laws, model rules, sections of the new version of the Lawyers Act or other sources with a link to an open source version of the full text, if available. It contains one or more heavily edited cases intended to illustrate the application of the law in question, with a link to an open source version of the full text of the case. Each case is preceded by a brief summary of its facts, reasoning and conduct, followed by questions to identify topics for further study or discussion.

Finally, it includes citations of law journal articles and other documents relevant to the law in question, with links to open source versions of these documents, where appropriate. This list provides quick access to many collections of e-books available at the Law Library. For more information about e-book collections outside the law, see E-Books at Berkeley. For books published by Aspen/Wolters Kluwer, you should have received an email with details on how to access the ebooks. Please contact me if you have any questions or do not receive the email. In addition, Aspen/Wolters Kluwer also offers the option to get a printed copy of your textbooks for $49. It will be a loose-leaf copy, so it won`t be bound like a standard manual. However, it is a good option if you prefer something in printed form. You can also get loose-leaf copies of books that aren`t part of our collection for $99. Order information can be found here at SIP-Post. This book was created specifically to make it easier for professors to offer a law course on global corruption. It is licensed under a Creative Commons license and may be used in whole or in part for free for non-commercial purposes.

The first chapter presents the general context of global corruption: its nature and extent, as well as some views on its historical, social, economic and political dimensions. Each subsequent chapter sets out international standards and requirements for combating bribery, in particular in the United Nations Convention against Bribery (UNCAC) and the OECD Convention on Bribery of Foreign Public Officials (OECD Convention). The laws of the United States and the United Kingdom are then presented as examples of how these standards and requirements of the Convention are met in two influential jurisdictions. Finally, Canadian law is set out. For example, a professor from Africa, Australia, New Zealand, or English-speaking countries in Asia and Europe has an almost complete textbook – for example, that professor can delete the Canadian sections of that book and insert the laws and practices of their home country in their place. Although this book is primarily intended for a law course on global corruption, it will be of interest and benefit to professors who teach courses on corruption from other academic disciplines, as well as lawyers and other anti-corruption practitioners. With the largest selection of content, the greatest flexibility, and the most advanced management engine on the market, Ebook Central enables libraries to dramatically improve users` eBook search results and increase the productivity of their employees. West Academic provides the resources you need for law schools and exercises, from popular case books and textbooks to online learning aids. FREE 14-day digital access to selected casebooks immediately after purchase! Reliable archive of important literature from scientific journals from a variety of disciplines, including a good number of legal journals. Contains a growing collection of e-books, primary sources and brochures. This casebook contains nearly sixty U.S. court cases involving religious beliefs and religious actions in a significant way.

The book is divided into sections: First Principles, Establishment, Free Practice, and Special Problems. Each section contains founding or otherwise influential cases that have influenced U.S. law and religious practice. Most of the cases come from the U.S. Supreme Court, but lower federal and state courts are also represented. Not all legal research software is the same. With Westlaw, you get authoritative content, improvements for lawyers and writers, and technologies that define the industry and help law professors and students get the information they need when they need it. Request a review copy of a legal textbook, watch author videos, and find important resources to set your law students up for success. This open educational resource is designed for use by students and graduates in marine science, natural resources, fisheries and wildlife, and environmental policy enrolled in a ten-week academic term. The aim of this project is to provide students and non-lawyers with a freely accessible and clearly written guide to support engaging and effective learning. As such, the book serves as a gateway and invitation to become a well-informed, engaged and engaged citizen of the sea and to explore the field beyond our course studies.

Open Source Property: A Free Casebook is a free resource for lecturers and first-year students of the Property Law course at U.S. law schools and anyone else interested in the topic. The impetus for this volume has been a variety of conversations about pedagogy and teaching related to our litigation courts. Based on these conversations, we have identified four main streams or needs of our colleagues: First, many of us bring more “political science” to our classes or want to bring it with us, although we also want to avoid the high cost of reinventing successful existing courses to do so. Second, our programs all require a course with a political methodology, and we want to reinforce these lessons in our substantive courses. We want to foster our students` understanding of how to read and understand research studies and create their own research questions. Third, we want our courses to be as up-to-date as possible. And fourth, we wanted to find a way to reduce the cost of our courses because we see so many students struggling with the high cost of a college degree. This volume (as well as all future editions) addresses each of these concerns. Open Judicial Politics is a compilation of new and original research in justice policy written specifically for the undergraduate audience, thus providing accessible examples of political science research that also address some of the most recent concerns and controversies in our field.

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